
Magic benefits from tomatoes

Tomatoes are known as a nutritional plant because it provides so many healthy ingredients. Immediately put tomatoes in your diet menu!
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, K, vitamin B6, potassium, folate, thiamin, magnesium, niacin, copper and phosphorus, which are essential for maintaining good health. What’s even better about tomatoes is that they contain very little cholesterol, saturated fat, sodium and calories. You can eat raw tomatoes sandwiched with bread, making salads, sauces, smoothies, even making soups. Here are 9 benefits of tomatoes.
1. Improve eyesight
Tomatoes are a great source of vitamins A and C that help prevent night blindness and increase eyesight. A recent study found that tomato’s high vitamin A content may prevent macular degeneration, a serious disease that can lead to blindness. Moreover, tomatoes may reduce the risk of cataracts. In tomatoes there are also antioxidants like lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin.
2. Preventing cancer
Eating a lot of tomatoes may help fight prostate cancer. Tomatoes may also help reduce the risk of a number of other cancers such as stomach, lung, cervix, palate, rectum, colon, esophagus, and ovarian cancer thanks to its powerful, antioxidant properties. especially thanks to the very high lycopene content found in tomatoes. The anti-cancer effects of tomatoes are much better when cooking these fruits with olive oil.
3. Skin lightening
Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from the sun and makes your skin less sensitive to ultraviolet rays, one of the causes of skin wrinkles. Rubbing tomato paste on your rough skin will help tighten pores, regenerate and tighten facial skin.
4. Reduce blood sugar
Tomatoes contain very little carbohydrate so help reduce blood sugar. A few studies have found the role of antioxidants in tomatoes to protect blood vessel walls and kidneys, which are often damaged by diabetes. Tomatoes also contain chromium and fiber that helps control blood sugar.
5. Promote good sleep
Good sources of vitamin C and lycopene can help you sleep better. So if you’re having trouble sleeping, add tomatoes to your daily diet with a bowl of tomato soup or smoothie.
6. Keep bones strong.
Tomatoes contain vitamin K and calcium that help keep your bones strong and fight osteoporosis – the cause of fractures, bone deformities that lead to defects.
7. Cure chronic diseases
Thanks to anti-inflammatory substances like carotenoids and bioflavonoids, tomatoes can reduce chronic pain. A research program indicates that drinking a glass of tomato juice daily can reduce blood levels of TNF-alpha, an inflammatory killer. Tomatoes are good for people with cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s.
8. Good for your hair
Thanks to the vitamins and iron that help your damaged and lifeless hair add shine. Moreover, tomatoes are acidic that can balance the pH in hair. If you have dandruff and itchy scalp, apply fresh tomato juice to your hair and scalp after shampooing, and rinse with cool or warm water after 4-5 minutes. Do not use it too often because the acidity of tomatoes can dry out your hair.
9. Help with weight loss
If you are trying to lose a few pounds, you must have tomatoes in your daily diet because it’s low in fat and contains no cholesterol. no. You can eat raw tomatoes or add them to casseroles with salads, and other friendly eating foods.
Whether it’s fresh, dried, stewed, ground, or juice, add tomatoes to your daily diet and reap all the health benefits it brings.

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