You are informed that your next Swimming League has been canceled. The swimming tournament you have been planning and practicing for the past few months.
You are disappointed.
You are frustrated.
You upset.
There is a great philosophy that helps bring the right strength and thinking to everyone who faces difficult situations and seemingly overwhelming challenges:
„Life will always throw you challenges and obstacles that will test you. In many cases, you cannot change them: it is out of your control. What you can do, what you you have to do it, choose how you will handle those challenges and obstacles The real power you have is in choosing how to think, how to talk and how to deal with challenges of life“
So if you can not exercise.
You cannot compete.
You can’t go to the gym and practice on the ground with your teammates.
This is what you CAN do:
1. Improve your mental skills
Every physical problem has a mental element. The mind and body are connected in everything you do every day. Master the mind!
2. Soft training
Take 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon to practice stretching. You can listen to your favorite music or watch your favorite TV show – anything is possible – as long as you have to press, press, trim.
3. Learn how to cook a few simple meals
One of the most important qualities that all successful people possess is independence – self-responsibility. As a runner, learning how to cook some simple meals – for example, how to cook a rice dish, how to make a pasta recipe, how to cook steak – is an essential aspect to becoming independent and a Important life skills, especially when you get older and compete elsewhere, go to college, etc.
4. Clean, repair, restore, replace your swimming tools
Everyone has a pair of propellers with a few cracks. Each contestant has a footplate that has a few chipped places. Put your swimming gear in perfect condition.
5. Learn how to get better quality and quantity of sleep
When it comes to swimming success, sleep is just as important as exercise. Take time to explore the topic of sleep and learn how to get better sleep.
6. Start an on-line chat-group with your team
Everyone is in the same situation. Why not start an online community with your swim team members? Ask people to post photos and videos on how they spend their time. Share ideas about staying fit and healthy. This is the perfect time for team members to share, learn, develop and support each other.
7. Become a researcher in swimming sports
Find out all the current City, Country and World records. Research achievements, swimming segments and details of all swimming styles and distances.
8. Find out more about your competition distance than anyone on this planet
Become a researcher – an „Expert“ on your own specialized competitions. How many hands does the latest national champion swim lose in the last 50m? What are their segmented swimming segments like? Where did they take their first breath after kicking off the wall? There is a beautiful saying: „If you can see it – you can be it“ .
9. Contact a champion
The beauty of social media is that you are only a click or two away from anyone in your sport. Why not contact an existing member or a former member of the national team and ask them about their swimming and training journey?
10. Research the exercise habits of the best swimmers
Why not ask Google “ Training tips of Olympic swimmers“ („Training Tips of Olympic Swimmers“) or a similar search? What is best to make them unusual? It has it all there – on your laptop or tablet or smartphone.
11. Clean up and reorganize your room
Nothing makes you awake and says „I’m ready for a new challenge“ than a clean, tidy, well-organized room.
12. Send an inspirational message to someone else in your team every day
Nothing makes people feel loved more than knowing someone is thinking about them – and that someone really cares about them. In times of difficulty and challenges like this, why don’t you send a member of your team a message or message „Keep smiling“ , or „Be strong in tough times.“ , or „I once told you you’re awesome . “
13. Set up a simple home gym – and without the tools
There are thousands and thousands of free workout tutorial videos on the Internet. Many of them do not require any special equipment. With a bit of floor space, a few chairs and a bit of imagination, you can build a fun indoor workout program to help you be stronger than you can imagine.
14. Reset your goals for the next 1, 3, 6 and 12 months
This is a great time to review and repurpose your goals. With pool workouts and uncertain swimming schedules for the moment, why not set your goal to focus on a few important areas that aren’t relevant to swimming. Example: Goal 1 – Get enough 8 hours of sleep each night. Goal 2 – Eat 4 pieces of fresh fruit each day. Goal 3 – Squeeze 10 minutes every morning and every afternoon.
15. Stay in shape!
Running stairs. Walk from house to house. Sweeping. Help parents to water the tree. Find ways to keep moving and be active.
25 things swimmers can do when training